Best Plugins To Start Your WordPress Site in 2022


The main reason why WordPress is so popular is its accessibility. Newcomers easily get the hang of the simple-to-use backend interface and never look back. Even if you’re looking to monetize your site there’s a great solution in WooCommerce which enables you to easily transform your site into a webshop. Because more and more people are starting a new site every day, we’ve highlighted the best plugins you should check out right off the bat.

  1. WP Force SSL

An SSL certificate is mandatory for any site because it acts as a guarantee of a safe and encrypted connection. WP Force SSL enables you to obtain a free certificate and then set up automated processes to track it. Aside from checking for expiry, WP Force SSL lets you run tests for individual pages to make sure there are no issues like mixed-content errors which downgrade your overall page security. Most of these issues can be fixed within the plugin and there’s also a feature that automatically redirects HTTP to HTTPS pages, guaranteeing extra protection.

  1. WP 301 Redirects

While you’re just starting out and working on your pages there will be times when you’ll have dead links, and the dreaded 404 error, luckily WP 301 Redirects has the solution. The plugin will automatically redirect URLs that are wrongly entered due to typos, but this is just the start. Through WP 301 Redirects you’ll get to set up a whole series of redirect rules for individual pages, page groups/categories, or sitewide. These rules can redirect to other individual pages or a unified “under construction” page.

  1. WP Reset

New sites are, more than anything, a work in progress where a process of trial-and-error ensues. In this period, you’ll want a plugin like WP Reset which enables you to reset your site fully or partially to a previously working state and keep database backups for future reference. Additionally, if the worst should happen and you find yourself completely locked out, the ERS Script that comes with the plugin allows you to access your backend even if you can’t log in.

  1. WooCommerce Table Rate Shipping PRO

Running a webshop is more complicated than running a “regular” site because there are more aspects to consider. One of those is the shipping issue. While WooCommerce provides you with rudimentary shipping options, you’ll probably want to enhance them with a plugin like WooCommerce Table Rate Shipping PRO. It allows you to create custom solutions with variable prices. Once set up, variables like item count, weight, and total price are automatically calculated in the checkout section, making for more realistic total transport costs.


The main selling point of WordPress is the abundance of plugins you can use to make your life easier on the backend and better for users on the frontend. These four plugins are prime examples of how this is done – automated processes you don’t have to think about combined with features that improve the quality of life for your users.

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